Representing Independent Power Producers for Over 35 Years

Wholesale Power Advocates formed the New Mexico Independent Power Producers’ Association in 1989. For over 35 years the members of the NMIPP have advocated for competitive procurement and resource diversity. Independent power enhances reliability, reduces risk and lowers costs. For more information about NMIPP membership contact Greg Patterson

Advocating on Behalf of Independent Power

State Government

NMIPP and its members are active at the  Legislature and Executive Agencies and participate in regional forums such as the Western Governors Association. Director Greg Patterson served two terms in the Arizona House of Representatives and while Arizona and New Mexico have many differences, the Legislatures of both states—together with states throughout the west–face similar challenges concerning energy, water, land use, fiscal policy and taxation.  Greg’s two terms in the Arizona Legislature have provided him with an understanding of common issues that helps NMIPP advocate for its members at the Round House. 

The Western Grid

NMIPP works on regional issues through participation in forums like the FERC Roadshow, NARUC, CREPC/WIRAB, New Mexico RETA Storage Forum and CAISO EDAM Stakeholder Conference.

RTO Development

NMIPP Director Greg Patterson has been working on regional wholesale markets at every stage from Desert Star and INDIGO in the 1990s to the formation of the CAISO, Energy Imbalance Market and now EDAM, Markets Plus and the Pathways initiative—with a view toward creating an RTO. NMIPP supports competitive markets and we will continue to advocate for market structures that cut costs, increase reliability and reduce emissions.

Congress and FERC

NMIPP assists its members by helping them work with the members our Congressional Delegation and US Senators as well a the regulatory agencies and FERC. 

Greg Patterson speaking at the CAISO EDAM Forum in Las Vegas